The World Cup

The World Cup

Dr. Mohamed Fadlalla

has declared before about applying the rule of fair play in qualifying the teams in the World Cup, a historic precedent in Group G at the 2018 FIFA World Cup Russia 2018,

The Olympic Charter

The Olympic Charter

Dr. Mohamed Fadlallah 

A new article discusses the legal interpretation of the violation of club regulations regarding the discrimination between women and men and the discrimination according to the age in acquiring a board membership.

Thomas Bach and the restrictions of Article 40

Thomas Bach and the restrictions of Article 40

Dr. Mohamed Fadlallah 

The world is following a major transformation in the thought of dealing with the Olympic Movement and its associated organization of the most important international sports event, which is the Olympic Games.

Olympic Games for a nation not only a city

Olympic Games for a nation not only a city

Dr. Mohamed Fadlallah 

Certainly sport is changing and developing amazingly internationally, also it is moving in different ways towards the future.

The influence of the 2018 IOC Code of Ethics

The influence of the 2018 IOC Code of Ethics

Dr. Mohamed Fadlalla

Those who want to deepen their information about the remarkable legislative development of the Olympic Movement which is managed by

Electronic Sports

Dr. Mohamed Fadlallah 

Would the electronic sports be included in the Olympic Games program ?

First of all, I’d like to point to the description of Sir Pierre de Coubertin the emitter



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